Published inLoose WordsLack in the FaceI am undone with a sequence of dreamsNov 11, 20203Nov 11, 20203
Published inAssemblageBurlesque of Wingstinged gossamer-like ambrosia tendered of stretchAug 16, 20202Aug 16, 20202
Published inLoose WordsLapse of Pigmentcollaborated, cloned, and splat where Cybele squats in camouflageAug 15, 20201Aug 15, 20201
Published inLoose WordsWords at Willaligned under hyperspace within the context of whimAug 12, 20202Aug 12, 20202
Published inP.S. I Love YouTorrent of the Crouching Beastthe call of your kiss is vivid in the windsAug 9, 2020Aug 9, 2020
Published inLiterary ImpulseDusk with Palettebusking the hues of lily and resplendenceAug 7, 20202Aug 7, 20202
Published inLoose WordsListinguntold like scrolls from a sea portrayed to be the last entombment of loaves and fishJul 28, 2020Jul 28, 2020